Shimmer Dust Color Pots for Eyes, Cheeks & Lips
My Shimmer Dust powders are extremely fine milled powders with pure light reflecting properties that give a subtle yet effective glisten to applied skin. Just a little bit on a brush goes a long way. They can be worn on the eyes alone, or over any eye shadow. Each color has a different effect on the eyes and all add a "lit and sparkle to the eye, cheeks and lips. Shimmer powders are a professional makeup artist's trick. ~ Jill
Pro Tip: Use in the inner eye area and near eyebrows for an extra glisten, PLUS I like to add a light touch of the ICE or STROBE on top of the cheekbone to use as a highlighter. You can also mix a little bit into Liptoxyl or lipgloss to make it a really shimmering sexy custom color.
ICE is a white shimmer color that gives a cool toned look pictured left.
STROBE is a prism shimmer that reflects a multi colored look in the light. It read's more white and is cool toned.