Who is JILL HARTH and why should I buy her products?

'Who am I and why should I trust buying your makeup and skincare?"
That may be a question you're asking yourself when looking at my website. Let me tell you, the passion for beauty has been in my blood from a very young age. I am grateful to get to do what I love in life. The testimonials from my clients and customers who rely on me to keep them stocked with, what I consider to be the best skincare and makeup available, keeps me going.

Here's My Story
My love of makeup came early in life. My mother told me when she used to wheel me around in the supermarket cart at 3 years old she'd be embarrassed when I'd point at the ladies on the checkout line and tell them they need “yipstick.' I guess I had the eye for beauty and makeup even then.
But first I had to hone my skills on myself. I grew up on Long Island, New York. At eleven years old, I developed a severe case of acne. It made me feel horribly self- -conscious and introverted. Luckily my parents were sensitive to my problem and took me to the best doctors they could afford to try the latest treatments for acne. Nothing seemed to work. I was a very sensitive young girl and so self-conscious. I felt like the only kid in school who suffered severe breakouts. Some days, I was so upset about my skin I refused to go to school. I didn't want to face the inevitable teasing and name calling from the boys and the popular girls. During that time, I started to research on my own to find out why my skin was breaking out. I read every book and magazine article I could find on the topic. I also started to experiment with makeup to hide the pimples enough to go to school. Back then, the makeup wasn’t as good as it is now, and I was stuck with what little offerings I could find at the local drugstore or in my mother's makeup bag. I searched health food stores to find a cure or magic ingredient to no avail. So, I started making my own home remedies and concoctions in attempts to clear up my skin. My interest was so keen on getting beautiful skin that I became quite an expert in camouflaging pimples to make my face look clear. I studied the looks I saw in the glamour magazines, movies, and on television and duplicated them on myself. I started to really observe what made people look good and saw that EVERYONE has good features that can be played up. I started to see that makeup could transform me from looking (to my young mind) hideous, to rather attractive. On some days, I actually looked and felt I dare say, "pretty." The days I felt prettier, I was happier. It changed me more in the inside than it did on the outside. From that experience alone, I learned empathy for people who are self-conscious and who yearned to look and feel beautiful for themselves.
Then I started practicing my technique on my mother and friends and anyone who wanted to "play makeup." Later on, in junior high school, I volunteered to do makeup for school plays. Pretty soon I had everyone lining up to get their makeup done with the little fishing tackle box I had assembled and the few spare cosmetics and powder puffs I had. I knew then that I didn’t want to do the whole cast in a hurry, I only wanted to do the main stars of the show and do their makeup to elaborate perfection. The teacher always scolded me for taking so long on one person, so I quit.
At 13, I went to Barbizon Modeling school that further developed my confidence. I became skilled at techniques on how to do make up for the camera. I started modeling and learned more about how lighting and photography, combined with properly applied makeup, can hide the features I hated (my blemished skin) and play up my good features, my cheekbones, eyes, and lips.
Right after high school, I went on an incredible life journey that led me to become an International Pageant Director of the American Dream Calendar Girl Pageant. For over eighteen years, I was an important part of shaping thousands of young women's lives who competed in modeling competitions throughout the United States and Internationally. I produced shows that were televised and were full blown productions with lavish stage numbers. Besides coordinating the events and directing the contestants, I also co-hosted many of the shows. I worked at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, the Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas, the Bahamas, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Turks & Caicos, and Atlantic City working with Donald Trump at the Trump Taj Mahal and Trump Castle Resort Casinos. Meeting and working with gorgeous young women and pageant producers from around the globe has given me a very unique perspective and ease that's transferred well into owning my beauty & services company, Beauty & Grace, Inc. (I named my company after my mother, Grace Harth). I have been a judge and model scout for the Miss USA Pageant, Miss Georgia USA, the Hawaiian Tropic Pageant, and countless model searches. I've apprenticed as a makeup artist and worked with renowned photographers Dick Zimmerman and Pompeo Posar in my early years. So, you see, I have quite a history in many sides of the "Beauty Business."
I enjoy sharing my artistry, my experience, and expertise with others.
In retrospect, those years were crucial in developing my eye as a makeup artist.
Fast forward to the year 2000. Freshly divorced and on my own, I moved back to New York. I started working for a major cosmetics company at Bloomingdales and other high end specialty beauty stores and salons in New York City. Working with such a diverse and star-studded clientele is how I fine-tuned my makeup skills. It's also where I learned about what ingredients make for great cosmetics and skincare. I figured out packaging, branding, and learning who my customers and clientele were and which products they liked. I still stay up to date on the latest developments and ingredients. I LOVE animals so it was a priority to manufacture CRUELTY FREE PRODUCTS.
I've devoted my life to sharing my knowledge and expertise to anyone who seeks it. It is my goal, that everyone who sits in my makeup chair leaves feeling self-confident, beautiful, and uplifted.
Jill Harth Beauty & Cometics is a line of skincare and cosmetics I am proud to have my name on and use exclusively on myself. They are effective, affordable, and a pleasure to use. Using just one of my products will make a positive change in your life.
So, you see, I still love to do makeup for the stars. Celebrities, models, television personalities who are regulars in my chair, but my real joy is turning on your interest to be the STAR of your life and looking like one too. 😘💄❤️
~ Wishing you beauty and sending you love, Jill Harth xo