Latest News — Jill Harth
Here's the story on why you should trust choosing me for your skincare & cosmetics needs.
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The business of creating beauty has been my passion from a very young age. I am grateful to get to do what I love in life and do well. The testimonials from my clients and customers who rely on me to keep them up-to-date in skincare and makeup mean so much to me. Here's my story: My love of makeup came early in life. My mother tells me that she used to wheel me around in the supermarket cart when I was 3 years old and be embarrassed when I'd point at the ladies on the checkout line and tell...
Need a professional headshot? Please read on...
Here's What I Learned after doing Makeup on a Thousand Brides
Airbrush Makeup Application Beauty Beauty Tricks best makeup artist Bridal Makeup New York Bridal Makeup Trial Celebrity Makeup Artist New York Jill Harth Jill Harth Beauty Jill Harth Makeup Meet Jill Harth New York Celebrity Makeup Artist

Brides have always had a special place in my heart and they always will. Being a professional makeup artist has been my second career but even as an amateur with a special interest in makeup I dabbled in doing wedding makeup for friends and family before it was common to have a beauty glam squad come to do your makeup and hair for your wedding day. While it's true that every bride is unique in her tastes, after doing a thousand brides and bridesmaids in my 17 year plus career in makeup, I've seen a lot of what goes on...
Jill Harth Beauty to give 7% of all profits from product sales to Fight for Women's Civil Rights
JIll Harth LawNewz. com Nicolas Kristoff The Guardian The New York TImes

Some of you may have come to website to support me from my plight with the new President, Donald Trump. TO those who have posted comments and support to me, I THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. It has fuelled my ability to continue to move on from the ordeal. To those who aren't aware: Briefly put, I filed a lawsuit against Donald Trump or sexual assault and sexual harassment in 1997. It was filed in New York. Ultimately, I pulled the complaint as a condition to settle a breach of contract lawsuit that my employer had against...
Here's my recent appearance on the television show on CBS called Live it Up! with Donna Drake
Beauty Tips Donna Drake Jill Harth Jill Harth Beauty Live it Up! Made Man ®